Saturday, August 3, 2013

August Currently

Linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for the August Currently.

For last month's Currently, I was in a bad place. I was so sad and emotionally spent. I am happy to say that I am moving forward and enjoying the remaining days of my summer.

Listening - I am not a Reality TV watcher, except for Project Runway, So You Think You Can Dance, and HGTV Star. I am more of an artsy person, so I enjoy watching people create something beautiful and working hard for their dream. I am enjoying this new season and am glad they just booted Timothy off the show...he was too much!! I was also watching this first thing in the morning and I hadn't eaten my breakfast yet, so my tummy was letting me know it was time.

Loving - that I am home. We just got home from a 12 day vacation. We went back east and visited family in Maine and New Hampshire. We had a wonderful time and loved every minute of it but it is always so nice to get home and sleep in your own bed, shower when you want and make your own food.

Thinking - about my kitchen redo. I replaced my dishes and curtains this past year and I have had paint for the kitchen for about a year now but I just haven't gotten around to it. I also have this great plan to paint my dinning room table and chairs. My brother and his family are coming for Thanksgiving, so that is my goal, to have it all done by then!!

Wanting - My birthday is next Tuesday and I want a new ice cream maker, which for me is unusual because ice cream is not my favorite. I do however love making fresh ice cream and I am tired of needing ice and salt for my old one. My favorite ice cream treat is a Root Beer Float so I am hoping to have a delicious Root Beer Float with fresh vanilla ice cream for my birthday...doesn't that sound delish!!

Needing - to get caught up. Being gone for 12 days with absolutely no computer access means 12 days of non working. I have a lot to do to feel like I have everything under control again.

B2S Must Haves - I don't have a classroom but when I did, these were a must for me.
  1. Mr. Sketch Markers - these are my absolute favorites! I love how they smell (brings back so many childhood memories) and I love that they don't bleed through! They help make those anchor charts look fabulous!!.
  2. An organized library - I love having all my books organized. It makes finding what I need easier and it helps the kids find and return books (hopefully!).
  3. A comfy classroom - lets face it, you probably spend more time in your classroom than you do at home so I always love to have a classroom that I enjoy being in. Pleasing colors, cute decorations, and organized materials are essential in a comfy classroom.

Happy August!!


  1. I SOOO hope you get your ice cream maker! A root bear float sounds amazing! Hope you get back to your normal groove soon.

    Rock Stars At Work

  2. An ice cream maker sounds so cool! I'm an ice cream junkie and can't imagine how good home made ice cream would be... perhaps I should invest. I also feel you on being home from vacation. I'm on day 17 of my 18 day vacation and although I'm loving to see my family, I'm eager for my own bed :)

    Hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the summer!


    The Imaginary Classroom

  3. Happy birthday early! :) My birthday is in September and I'm thinking a Keurig machine for work.


Thoughts and comments are always welcome!