Friday, August 9, 2013

Fabulous Feedback Linky

I am joining Christina at Buntings, Books and Bainbridge for her Fabulous Feedback Linky party. 

I think this is a wonderful idea and a great way to share what others think about the products that we all have worked so hard on.

I would first like to say a great big THANK YOU to all of the teachers that have left comments, it makes me so happy to help so many. Your comments help keep my creative juices and motivation flowing!

The first comment I would like to share comes from...
for my reading skills and strategies packet for My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza.

It makes my heart happy to hear that the pages in this packet really made her kids think!

The second comment I would love to share comes from:
for the reading skills and strategies packet for Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester.
One of my main goals is not only to challenge children but to help ease the work load of teachers, so this comment helped me to see that I really am doing that.

So, zanw20 and Rosemary Brynston because you gave me such great feedback, I would like to offer you each one free product from my store. Please email me (zanw20 and Rosemary Brynston only please) at with the subject line of "Fabulous Feedback" with the name of the product you would like.

For everyone else, please leave me comments and you may be the next one I choose to get a free product.


1 comment

Thoughts and comments are always welcome!