Favorite Follower Award

 Marlana at Lil Country Kindergarten has awarded me the Favorite Follower award...but I must say, she really is my F*A*V*O*R*I*T*E follower! Marlana is not only a follower, but she has helped me, guided me, and always has a comment. We newbie bloggers look for those comments, those followers, those special people that take an interest in what you have to offer. We newbies blog stalk, we comment, we follow and we hope that someone will notice our little blog. I see some new blogs just explode with followers all because someone has taken notice and helped spread their links, giveaways and products. So thank you Marlana for being that person for me!

Lil' Country Kindergarten

Since Marlana gave me this award, and I don't want to *regift* this award {I have already told her a number of times how great she is} I do have a couple more people to give this award to, first, Miss S at Just Teaching...Kindergarten. She is a newbie just like me and has some fun stuff on her blog!

Just Teaching

I would also like to give this award to Barbara at The Corner on Character. I always smile when she leaves me a comment...and her blog is awesome!

And last but not least I would like to give this award to Delighted at First grade Delight. She was my first follower and has been present ever since. Thanks for helping me out and coming back to visit! If you haven't visited her blog yet, head on over and check it out!

First Grade Delight

Your friend,


  1. What a fun post to wake up to this morning; thanks for sharing the love! Anything having to do with BOOKS was going to hook me, but your site has done more than that - it caught me hook, line, and sinker! Thanks for your insights, your creativity, and your sweet honor.


    1. Your post...my smile! It is going to be a good day!


Thoughts and comments are always welcome!